Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Spring in full Swing

The boys and I finally got around to planting the garden that I've been planning for quite some time now. Seriously, we had a grid and everything. It has taken us, okay me, the better part of a month to get all the seeds in the ground. (Gardening is hard and I have the blisters to prove it!) We started in May when it rained non-stop for weeks and finally finished this past weekend when it was hovering in the mid-nineties. Michigan weather may be crazy but it sure is good for growing things.

Each boy picked out 4 plants and they will be responsible for, which includes the planting, weeding, watering and harvesting. They did excellent on the planting part only time will tell how the rest goes. 

Jamie picked: bib lettuce, spinach, radishes, and squash 
Connor picked: pumpkin, watermelon, peas and carrots

I think the best part was getting muddy.

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