Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Big Day

Today was a big day for Con he had 6 teeth pulled. Yes, 6. No, that's not a typo. He, unfortunately, has my soft mushy teeth. When he was younger he had several pulpectomies (baby root canals), with no inner workings he teeth literally crumbled.

I felt like the worst parent ever taking him to the dentist! I don’t give him much candy or pop because he’s naturally so hyper. He brushes his teeth every morning and night. He wasn’t complaining that they hurt or anything. He just came to me one day and said, “I just lost another tooth!” Not realizing that he had a loose one (he usually shows me every five seconds how loose it is) I asked him where and he goes “Well, not the whole thing just part of it.” Hello red flag! The dentist looks at me and goes “It takes a lot of work to get them in this condition.” I just nod. I wanted to show him my family’s dental history; I can trace my crummy teeth back to England thank you very much!

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